Bodhi Restaurant/Bar (vegan) + Le Pain Quotidien

I had a reunion with some of my old uni friends. The perks of meeting up with old friends is, it feels like time hasn't moved at all when you meet them! I can't believe it's been almost two years since I saw them properly. It's crazy how quick time flies! We have been trying to meet up for sometime now, but everyone is busy with either work or study so it's really difficult to fix on a date.

We set this date back in early July and we all kept our word :D

We chose this place so we could accommodate for a friend who is vegan. This was my second time eating a full vegan meal so I was quite excited to see what vegan dumplings would be like!

The staff were very friendly and organised. We were served with water and sauce soon after we sat down. Bodhi works just like any other yum cha place, the food keeps coming around and you pick what you like. However, the downside is you can't say yes to everything so you have to turn down some.

I started off with satay salad wrap, this was quite fresh and healthy.
Next, I tried the flaky 'prawn' and this was absolutely delicious, it tasted just like prawn to me, it was very crunchy, packed with coconut flavour.

Satay Salad sprouts, mint, carrots in a tofu packet ($8.50), sweet Japanese Pumpkin dumplings ($6.50) and flaky 'prawn' taro ball ($8.50)

The corn and 'chicken' dumplings were quite nice and creamy, with a hint of coconut.

Cream corn and 'chicken' dumplings ($6.50)
I did not try the mushroom or pumpkin dumpling but my friends said they enjoyed it. I tried the sticky rice wrap, the filling was rice and tofu which I thought was yum!

Australian field mushroom dumplings ($6.50) and savoury sticky rice in lotus leaf wrap ($8.50)
I did not like the radish cake but some of my friends loved it. I thought it was too bland and lacked flavour.

Pan seared white radish cake ($7.50)

Shitake mushrooms and asparagus dumplings ($8.50)
In addition, we also tried pan seared stuffed sweet potato slices ($6.50) and iced tea but I did not try these. 

For dessert, we ordered a passionfruit doughnut and jelly. Personally for me, the desserts were a bit of a let down after the delicious food we ate.
The coconut agar jelly was nice and soft but it just added to my overdose of coconut. However, the majority of my friends felt otherwise and enjoyed it. 

None of us liked the passionfruit doughnut though. I thought it was too sugary and would have tasted nicer without the extra outside coating of sugar. We had to waste this one unfortunately.

Passionfruit Chinese doughnut and Coconut agar jelly ($6.50) 

Overall, we thought their service was great and loved their food! Most of the dishes come in a set of 3 so it's great for sharing around. 
I'd definitely come back for more dumplings but I'd think carefully before ordering dessert. 

Initially, we thought we'd be too full to eat anything else after the huge meal we had. But this soon changed after we got into the food court at Pitt street.

Well, they say there's always room for dessert ;)

We ended up at Le Pain Quotidien and ordered juices, coffee and waffle.

The waffle was quite rich with the Belgium chocolate. It gave us the dessert kick we were after. The only thing we didn't like was the extra charge for a very small scoop of ice cream because normally when you get waffles, ice cream is included in the price. 

Belgian Waffle with bananas and Belgium chocolate ($9) and added ice cream ($3)

Overall, a day well spent with some good food and even better company!

Bodhi Restaurant/ Bar
2-4 College Street, Sydney 2000

Le Pain Quotidien
CBD, Level 4 Westfield
Pitt Street Mall, Sydney 2000

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