Moong dal and pumpkin curry

Mum left some moong dal in the fridge, I've never cooked with it before so I wanted a recipe to use it. This was probably one of the easiest curry I have ever cooked! So simple yet so delicious :)

Recipe adapted from:
I modified the recipe as I did not have some of the mentioned ingredients.

1 cup of boiled moong dal (1/2 cup raw)
1 onion, finely chopped
1 tsp of garlic and ginger paste
Turmeric powder (sprinkled)
Curry powder (sprinkled)
250g pumpkin, finely chopped, skin on 
1 red capsicum, small cubes
1 tomato, small cubes 
Cumin powder (sprinkled) 
Few green or red chillies 
Fresh coriander

1) Boil moong dal (refer to instructions above- easier if done beforehand)
I already had my boiled moong dal so I started from step 2

2) Add EVOO oil
3) Add onions, garlic/ ginger paste and turmeric powder once oil is hot
4) Stir for a few seconds
5) Add pumpkin, boiled lentils and chillies once onions are cooked 
6) Add half a cup of water after 5 mins of cooking
7) Add capsicum and tomato
8) Add cumin and chopped coriander
9) Reduce heat and simmer
10) Serve with rice or bread :)

EVCO: extra virgin olive oil
TB: tablespoon
Tsp: teaspoon

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