Fabulous February

I did not write properly last month as I had a million things on my mind. There is so much that has happened, and there is so much I want to write. But I can only write so much in this one post. So I will write the main updates here and save the rest for future.

As some of you would probably know from Instagram, I got married earlier this month! I would have liked to have made a big announcement but I decided to go into hibernation instead as I was feeling very stressed. I was starting to crumble under a lot of pressure leading up to the wedding as there were many unfinished tasks (both work and wedding related). Having to work right before the day of the wedding was no easy task, but I managed to get through with a lot of support from my parents, family and friends. I am so grateful for the people in my life who went out of their way and travelled long distances to be here for me.

I won’t say too much about the actual wedding in this post as I will blog more about this later on. In short, it went pretty smoothly and we managed to tick off most of the things we had wanted. However, there were certain elements of it which should not have happened. I have decided to speak about the good for now, as I am not ready to speak about the bad yet. I do want to be able to speak about eventually, but not sure how long that would take. I will start posting some photos once we receive the official photos from our photographers. The events we hosted included a colourful pre-wedding celebration, an intimate ceremony and a big reception. We went to New Zealand afterwards for our honeymoon, and it was so wonderful to be able to switch off and just live in the present!

In other news, work has been rather crazy since getting back. I was away for two weeks this month so this month feels even shorter for me! I have taken up a very exciting side project (will reveal next month). I have been busy making revisions for old papers and organising two student projects. 
Here are the February eats for this month, there’s not many as I was away and just starting to get back to the habit of cooking again :)

Quinoa and lentil mix with broccoli and leftover lamb
Teriyaki tofu with quinoa, lentil and beans

French lentils with garlic and carrots

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