Last day of uni (Black Star Pastry + Grill'd)

Last Friday was our last day back at uni, it was kinda sad but more exciting at the same time! We had made plans to celebrate afterwards at Newtown. 

I've seen so many people raving about the Strawberry Watermelon cake at Black Star Pastry so that's we decided to settle for dessert.

We finished uni at 4, got a little speech from our lovely coordinator, took a year group photo and set off on the walk to Newtown. It was kind of early for dinner so we decided to have dessert first. We got to Black Star Pastry at 5:01 and were devastated to see it had already closed! We were late by a minute (they close at 5). Despite our efforts of knocking on the door, the staff inside did not open up to apologize. But while looking at the door we realised there was another pop-up store at Town Hall. We had to decide whether we would chase it or leave it, and we chose to do the former, for obvious reasons! We desperately wanted that cake!

We went to Town Hall and took a while to find a place because it was hidden in a corner next to bookstore Kinokuniya. We were so incredibly excited that we had finally reached, only to hear that it had been just sold out. We were very much devastated. We decided to try other flavours instead because that Strawberry Watermelon cake was obviously not meant for us, at least not today.

Zen Cake AKA the Pistachio Lemon White Chocolate Torte ($7.50)

Amadei Chocolate and Hazelnut Torte ($7.50)
I loved the Zen cake, I've never had the Strawberry Watermelon so I don't have anything to compare to but the pistachio and citrus power of the cake was absolutely delicious! For the Amaderi however, I felt a sugar rush which was overpowering the chocolate. It left me with a strong aftertaste which I did not like. 

The original plan was to go have dinner at Newtown but since we were at The Galleries, we just decided to dine there.

All of us decided to order the same burger at Grill'd. There was definitely a lot of veggie goodness in this burger- veggie patty, beetroot and avocado. The texture was quite creamy thanks to the cheese, relish and herbed mayo.
However, the portion size was way too big! By big, I mean gigatic. I could only eat just over half of it, I hated having to throw it away (I hate wasting food!)

Garden Goodness ($11.50)

The chips were super yummy! We got a combination of potato, sweet potato and zucchini chips. For me, the zucchini chips were a star because I didn't think you could do chips with them. The sauces were quite flavoursome too.

Chips to share ($13)

Overall, it was a wonderful celebratory dinner! Some things did not go as planned unfortunately, but I'll definitely go back for that watermelon cake someday!

Black Star Pastry
Level 2, 500 George Street
The Galleries

Level 2, 500 George Street
The Galleries

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