Adamant August

This month was a one hell-of-a-month for me. I still had a lot of work left to do from the major revisions of one of my old papers which took me a really long time. I was trying really hard to finish this because we had a deadline. But then, I got caught in the last wave of flu. I don’t get sick very often, but when I do, it’s really bad. I would’ve liked to take some time off to recover, but I knew I needed to push myself to meet the deadline. Working during that time wasn’t easy, it was tough. There were times where I struggled a lot, but I refused to give up. I ended up working from home for two days which helped me work and recover at the same time. 

The next task was revising my other paper which was nearly done. I hadn’t worked on this for a while, so I had sort of forgotten what I was up to. The good thing was I did a writing workshop this month where I used this paper as an example. I found this to be incredibly useful because it helped me get into the mindset again. It took me just under two weeks to prepare my second draft. 

Finally, I was ready to start my new paper. It will be quite different from my previous papers because there will be lots of statistics and data analyses. I think I have made a good start so far as I have done some introductory background reading. But there are so many things I have no idea about, but I feel like I’m ready to tackle the hurdles now!

Overall, it has been a productive, super intense month but I'm happy with what I have accomplished because I managed to work on three papers (this is a first for me)!

Here are all my August eats :)  
Places visited this month are El-Phonenician and The Vogue Cafe.

Teriyaki tofu and mix vege stir-fry

Lentil and bulgur kofte with dukkah

Snow pea, okra and cashew stir-fry

Danish pastries with custard and almonds

Crispy skinned salmon and pumpkin with dukkah
Oat pancakes with ricotta and strawberries
Sweet potatoes and ricotta cannelloni

Eggplant and ricotta bake

Chicken (marinated with tikka masala and yoghurt) and veggie bake

Green split pea and carrot curry

Zucchini and avocado slice
Chocolate dipped strawberries

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