Lazy day

So now I've got a bit of a break for about a week before I go back to placement. It's winter in Sydney and it has gotten pretty cold lately. The lowest was about 4 degrees so naturally all I want to do is hibernate away under that blanket. 
Despite of what others think about winter, it's actually my favourite season. But there are some downsides of winter- getting out of bed is even harder! :(

I'm not a morning person, I struggle every morning when I have to part ways with my blanket :P

But today I did something I haven't done in a long while! I stayed in bed, till very late. 

I stayed in till about 2pm which beats all my previous records but hey I'm trying to make the most out of my short holiday so don't judge me!

I stayed in bed using all the possible gadgets, called up friends - I literally had a virtual party going on in my room :P 

Anyway, then I was getting a bit hungry so I finally climbed out of bed and made this: salmon, sweet potato frittata with ricotta and spinach :)

I say it was a day well spent, sometimes the smallest things in the World puts you at your happiest! :')

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