Australia's Healthy Weight Week

This week is all about encouraging people to eat healthy, home cooked meals and making small changes towards a healthy lifestyle. It is also about telling people what we do as dietitians (hence I am writing)

The pictures are from the morning tea we hosted (colleagues and myself) for staff on our floor at work. 

As you can tell from the photos, we tried to include something from all the food groups. We wanted to make it colourful and include healthier options, where possible. 

Fruits: apples, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, figs, passionfruit, nectarines and peaches
Vegetables: carrots, snow peas, cherry tomatoes, cucumber and beetroot dip
Dairy: low fat yoghurt and low fat ricotta (fritatata)
Lean meat, fish, poultry, nuts and legumes: variety of nuts, hommus
Cereals: wholemeal pita bread

If you'd like to read more information on the AHWW, head over to :)

Zucchini, pea and mint frittata (made by a friend)


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