Marvellous May

This was probably my best month this year because I had my first ever conference/ mini holiday.
But it didn't start off that great, I had to learn how to use a software called Stata for statistical analysis.

I struggled a lot in the beginning because I had no idea how to set up the data or what code to use. (Stata has a command interface). It took me a really long time to figure out what I needed to do. I went through a long process of trial and error and seeking help when I got stuck. 

The first part of the analysis didn't take as long but the rest of it took me longer than I expected. I had set myself a deadline to finish it before I leave for the conference (but failed). However, the good news is, it finally worked in the end! I felt super accomplished after getting all my outputs. I think I'm slowly learning to be persistent!

I thought I would be ready to write up after this but turns out, I still have to do another quality and tool validity assessment. But almost there!

Overall, the conference was definitely my highlight and like I said, that one piece of paper made my month. It's a nice feeling to be getting recognition for your work :)

If you'd like to see my Melbourne food shenanigans, please click here.

Here are all the eats from this month :)   

Broccolini, capsicum and choko stir-fry

Veggie mix and legumes

Couscous, egg and feta

Rainbow veggie mix with tofu

Carrot cake with crumbled walnut topping
Spinach, zucchini and lentil spaghetti
Salmon, beans and tomato with dukkah

Spicy okra and zucchini

Steak and zucchini with dukkah
Apples roses (Mother's Day special)
Pumpkin, sweet potato and broccoli

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