Vivid 2016

As you probably know, winter is my favourite season and I love this time of the year. I was really looking forward to Vivid but I could only go once due to the bad weather and other commitments. Unfortunately, this meant I didn't get to cover all the precincts, but I'm glad I saw some of it, at least. 

My favourite was the Cathedral Of Light at Botanic Gardens. It certainly received a lot of attention this year, a lot of people thought it was overrated (which it probably is) but I still enjoyed it :)

Here are my top 30 :) 

Cathedral of Light

Almost there..

Cathedral of Light view from the top (my favourite)

Central Park

Central Park

Central Park

Martin Place

Martin Place

Martin Place

Sydney's Hidden Stories
Sydney's Hidden Stories

Laser Fountain Water Theater

Laser Fountain Water Theater

Laser Fountain Water Theater

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