Amazing April

I'm behind with the blogging again, finding it so hard to keep up with how fast the time is flying!
April was a pretty good month for me, I had my birthday and graduation this month so I got spoilt with lots of presents and food!

In terms of work, I'm progressing at a moderate pace. I reckon I could be faster if I didn't have so many meetings to attend. I've joined a committee recently so there are additional meetings/events and few extra jobs to do. So I really need to make sure I'm productive with the time I have.

With my systematic review, I have finished extracting all the papers. I'm up to doing quality assessments now. We did Cochrane which I was already familiar with from last year. But there's also a new one called GRADE. From what I've heard, it's a complex tool to use so I think I'll need to allow myself some time to learn this.

The other thing I learnt this month was NVivo. I did an short online course on this software. It's useful for handling qualitative data, coding, thematic analysis etc. It seems promising though I haven't learnt it completely yet (only did the starter course).

That's probably all the main updates. Here are all my April eats :)

Roasted pumpkin, beans, snow peas, tomatoes and carrots with drumsticks

Cauliflower, sweet potato and eggplant curry

Asian laksa

Lamb, pea and ricotta spaghetti

Quinoa pilaf with lamb, feta and lemon

Brussels sprouts and prawns stir-fry

Lemon and ricotta cheesecake

Chocolate and coconut cake

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